Protect Your Google Reviews From the Latest Bug

Waking up to all of your Google reviews missing can be a nightmare, not only to the business but also to customers. Your business listing and reviews are the lifeblood of your online presence. Our team has been alerted to a recent bug that has wormed its way into Google Business Profile listings and deletes reviews! What do you need to know about this bug, and what can you do to avoid it?

The Report

Mike Blumenthal reported on the sudden deletion of reviews on November 11, 2022. After listings were automatically updated, businesses found their reviews were deleted overnight. He explains in great detail how Google changes the business listing CIDs and how CIDs directly affect listings online.

When the new CID is created, Google does not make the effort to move reviews over to that CID. Therefore, all the reviews seem to disappear from the business profile listing. Not to fret! Your reviews still exist on the old business profile listing but not the new one.

What Can You Do?

  • Document your old CID. In Mike Blumenthal’s report, he links an extension and a website tool that helps you capture and store your Google CID somewhere safe!
  • Screenshot or store your reviews. Collect your reviews and store them somewhere safe that you can always access. You may even want to archive and keep emails that you receive from Google Business Profiles about your reviews.
  • Do not accept automatic updates. If it is not you who is updating your Google Business Profile, then do not accept updates.
  • Current Ambidextrous Services marketing customers are already ahead! We have your reviews downloaded and stored for your convenience.

These tips will help you keep track of your reviews when Google can’t!

Ambidextrous Services Cares!

Here at Ambidextrous Services, we serve local small businesses. Reviews are vital to your business’s local Google Search and Map results. Losing your reviews can create an immeasurable negative impact on your business. We are here to help ensure that your business is taken care of.

Source: Report: Google Business Profile bug causing reviews to disappear